Feedback & policies

We are committed to continual improvement and providing parents and families with policies and frameworks for feedback and reporting.

The aim of Southern Christian College is always to do our best and we love to receive compliments, but we also understand that sometimes we may not meet expectations.

We have processes in place to manage your compliments and complaints as well as consider any suggestions you may have for building a better college life experience.

Our aim is to be supportive of all people involved in the process and respond effectively, fairly and openly on ways we can improve as we work together towards a resolution.


If you have a compliment or suggestion please email our Principal.

Complaints & Grievances procedure

Read our full Complaints & Grievances Procedure.

Reference guide

Read our Compliments, Complaints and Suggestions Reference Guide.

Complaints form

Lodge a complaint using our online complaint form.

Complaints policy

Read our full Complaints Policy document.

A child-safe school

Southern Christian College is a Child Safe School. 

We have a zero tolerance stance on child abuse and are committed to the protection of all children from all forms of abuse. 

The College has in place a number of policies that provide clear expectations and boundaries on acceptable and professional behaviour for all staff, students, parents, volunteers, contractors and the wider community.

Our Child Protection Policy and supporting documents relate to all aspects of child safety and protecting students from abuse or other harm, and establishes work systems, practices, policies and procedures to create and maintain a child safe environment and culture at the College. 

Below you will find our Child Protection Policy which provides a high level statement of commitment to child protection at the College.

Further policy documents

Anti-Bullying, Harassment & Discrimination

Child Protection policy

Positive Relationships & Communication policy

Fees policy

Inclusive School policy

Student Attendance policy

Privacy policy

Whistleblower policy

Student Enrolment policy

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