Christian foundations
As you find out more about our College, we hope you discover what makes Southern Christian College so special, and why we have been able to enrich the lives of thousands of young people since first opening in 1986.
Our core values
Love is the foundation.
God’s unfailing love motivates us to love others. We want to live at peace with each other and recognise the need to speak the truth with gentleness and respect.
Honour Christ.
God is faithful to his promises. We seek to honour Christ in every aspect of our daily lives. We strive to act with integrity in all situations, ensuring our words and actions align with our values.
In Him we find strength.
Jesus remained strong in all circumstances. We persevere through challenges to accomplish worthwhile goals. We want to be humble; always ready to learn from others, reflect on our experiences and to acknowledge when we have made mistakes.
Giving out of gratitude.
Grateful for the many blessings God has given us, we want to share these with others. Each of us has individual strengths. When we collaborate, we draw these together to make a positive impact for the community.
Empathy & care for others.
God knows our every need before we ask. With empathy, we consider what it is like to walk in someone else’s shoes. Living as part of a community, we are interconnected. We build each other up so together we are stronger. We value fairness and justice for all.
Love is the foundation.
God’s unfailing love motivates us to love others. We want to live at peace with each other and recognise the need to speak the truth with gentleness and respect.
Honour Christ.
God is faithful to his promises. We seek to honour Christ in every aspect of our daily lives. We strive to act with integrity in all situations, ensuring our words and actions align with our values.
In Him we find strength.
Jesus remained strong in all circumstances. We persevere through challenges to accomplish worthwhile goals. We want to be humble; always ready to learn from others, reflect on our experiences and to acknowledge when we have made mistakes.
Giving out of gratitude.
Grateful for the many blessings God has given us, we want to share these with others. Each of us has individual strengths. When we collaborate, we draw these together to make a positive impact for the community.
Empathy & care for others.
God knows our every need before we ask. With empathy, we consider what it is like to walk in someone else’s shoes. Living as part of a community, we are interconnected. We build each other up so together we are stronger. We value fairness and justice for all.
At SCC we provide an affordable education for young people. We establish firm foundations for successful lives through our commitment to seeing our core values of Faithfulness, Love, Courage, Generosity and Compassion in action across all aspects of school life.
Our desire at Southern Christian College is to train our students to be distinctly Christian in their outlook and well-prepared to take their place in the world. We do this through a whole-child philosophy that aims to develop each student’s academic potential, while cultivating their spiritual, social, emotional, and physical growth.
At Southern Christian College, our staff are committed to honouring God through their gifts and talents, They are people with a passion for helping young people succeed.
We aim to complement the role of parents by providing a school environment that is safe, encouraging and inspires excellence. We work with our families to help each child be a caring, responsible citizen, understanding that they are made in the image of Creator God. We encourage them to show respect and value all people.
At SCC we value good communication between home and school, recognising that educating a child is a team effort.
Our mission statement
Southern Christian College is a Christian, faith-based organisation serving the community. The College aims to provide a holistic education that develops a community of learners who are balanced spiritually, intellectually, physically, emotionally, creatively and socially.
The College aims to develop lifelong independent and cooperative learners through a Christ-centred quality education that inspires and equips young people for life. The College promotes an understanding of, and appreciation for, the teachings of Christ through the Scriptures and His life being foundational to our relationships and practice.
This understanding is demonstrated through:
Partnering with parents and community in the education of children.
Expressing faith as caring and respectful members of a global community, acting in ways that promote social justice and international mindedness.
Celebrating the knowledge, goodness and grace of God in creation and salvation.
Our statement
of faith
We believe that there is one God, sovereign and eternal, revealed through the Bible as three equal divine persons: Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.
We believe that God is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is also Father of His adopted children and we believe that, because of His faithfulness, nothing can separate His children from His love and care. We believe that the world and humanity were created through the direct act of God, man and woman being made in His image. We believe that the joining of one man and one woman in marriage, to the exclusion of all others, is part of God’s plan for humanity.
We believe that Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of the Father. Conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin, both truly God and truly man, Jesus lived a sinless life performing miracles, opening our eyes to the Kingdom of God and dying for us because we are sinners. He was buried, rose from the dead in bodily form and ascended to heaven to be at the right hand of the Father as head of the church.
We believe that Jesus will return to gather His people, to judge all and to fulfil God’s Kingdom.
We believe that the Holy Spirit was sent by God and remains with us today, continuing the ministry of Christ and enabling us to live a Godly life and we believe that the Holy Spirit is available to all believers today, displayed through the gifts of the Spirit.
We believe that the Bible, consisting of the books of the Old and New Testaments, is the inspired, inerrant, infallible and authoritative Word of God. It is indispensable for our knowledge of God, of ourselves and of the rest of creation.
We believe that mankind is sinful by nature and can receive salvation and restored relationship with God by grace through faith. We believe that salvation is received only by personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, not through our own merits or personal merit.