Senior secondary

Covering Years 11-12, the senior secondary years are focused on preparing students for their final exams and the next phase in their journey.

Senior secondary years

The inquiry-based middle years program helps establish strong foundations for students to enter the final stage of their formal schooling.

Our experienced TCE Co-ordinator works closely with Year 10 students to design a learning pathway for each individual. Students also receive attentive mentoring throughout this crucial stage of their education.  

Students in Years 11 and 12 are provided with a wide range of course offerings, encompassing Sciences, Mathematics, Humanities, Languages, Arts and Technologies.

In partnership with other education providers, students may choose to incorporate a vocational education program within their TCE. They are able to complete their school education with both an ATAR and a vocational qualification.

As new pathways open to students beyond school, we aim to ensure students understand the factors that contribute to success in the next phase of their journey, whether that be further study or employment.

Senior secondary students talking at desk


Tasmanian Assessment and Standards Certification (TASC) and Tasmania Certificate of Education (TCE) 

Having established a solid foundation for students to move into their final phase of formal schooling, the Tasmanian  Certificate of  Education at Southern Christian College offers wonderful opportunities for our students to choose a course of study that enables them to pursue their personal strengths and passions and supports their learning pathways and future aspirations.

These courses provide a broad range of learning opportunities which can help lead to employment and further education beyond School.  

Take the next step and transform your learning.