Volunteering & giving
We welcome you to be involved and share your skills, expertise, time or finances, as we work together to continue our heritage of providing rich, Christ-centred education.
Become a volunteer
Volunteers are highly valued by the College and have a fundamental role in enriching our school community. Every year we have volunteers who generously give their time, energy and expertise to many aspects of school life. We are extremely grateful for their dedication and selflessness. Many wonderful aspects of the Southern Christian College experience would not exist without them.
All staff, volunteers and contractors at Southern Christian College are required to observe child safe principles and expectations for appropriate behaviour towards and in the company of children. The College volunteers must complete our Volunteer Application Form, provide a copy of their Tasmanian Working With Vulnerable People card and complete our Safeguarding Children online training prior to commencing. Volunteers will also be requested to provide the names of two referees as part of the application process.
Please email the office for a copy of the Volunteer Handbook and Application Form.
Financial support
We recognise the necessity to plan and provide for the College’s future and ensure it remains equipped to provide quality educational outcomes and are very grateful to the generosity of our donors through the years who have contributed to building the great College we have today.
Your financial support can transform the learning environment of our college. We would be delighted to share more extensively with you our plans for the future and discuss how your gift can support the College in our mission. All donations have a significant impact on the lives of our students.
To this end, Southern Christian College operates a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) Building Fund to receive tax deductible gifts and contributions which assist in the maintenance and building program of the school.
If you wish to make a tax deductible gift, please contact the office. Receipts will be issued at the request of the donor.